"Every cause has an effect and every effect has a cause. By law. Because of this universal law, all things are predictable to God, but he doesn't have to force the consequences of our actions. They are spontaneous and natural. The good news about this is to KNOW with certainty that if you do good to others, good WILL return to you, by law. It doesn't necessarily return to you from the same place you put it out. If you are kind to a disagreeable person, you will receive kindness... but don't expect it to come from THAT person. You will not lose your reward, but let God return it to you from wherever he wants. The more good you put out, the more will return to you. Spread happiness, and you will be happy.Don't make a big deal over what you do... the more you do in secret the better, in fact. If you make a display of your goodness, than your reward is the ooohs and aaaahs you get from the people who saw it. Wouldn't you rather have a better, more significant reward? Matthew 6:4 says, "That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly." This works with kindness, but it also works with money. Share the monetary blessings he has given you, and he will bring you more... under the one condition that you fear not. Push fear aside each time it tries to take root. Pluck it out! You have the power to choose your thoughts and feelings.Make a difference today in the life of someone else. Then smile, knowing that happiness is yours, and blessings are on their way." -Leslie Householder For more information on e-courses or to read the award winning book the" Jack Rabbit Factor" by Leslie Householder go to: http://www.thoughtsalive.com/