Letting Go Of Negative Emotions After They Have Been Released |
Monday, August 25, 2008 |
It’s been scientifically proven that the Universe doesn’t like a vacuum. If we don’t fill the void that is left there after the negative emotions have been released, we take the chance of it subconsciously getting filled with more things we don’t want. So it just makes sense to consciously replace those lower vibrations with higher vibrations. That means, we choose to no longer think the negative thoughts, and instead focus on good, positive affirmations.
Writing your own positive affirmations is really quite simple. By thinking of what it is you want to change in your life, and how it would look in your “ideal” world, you already have the basis of a great affirmation. I always ask clients, “How do you wish it was?”, “How would you like it to be?” By answering those questions you get statements that can easily be tweaked into the perfect affirmations for you.
Here’s how to begin: Notice your speech patterns and change them when necessary. Do you ever say things like, "I'm not good enough", "I can't afford it", "I'm so fat," "There are no good men/women out there for me", etc. All of these are examples of very limited thinking. When you hear that negative self-talk creeping into your thoughts, acknowledge it briefly, and then let it go by replacing it with new positive affirmation.
*I am always good enough
*Money flows to me
*I am worthy and deserving of a great life
*I always have enough money to pay my bills and much more
*I love my healthy, fit body
*I am worthy of and attract a healthy relationship.
Always state them in the present tense, I like to begin with "I AM". Even if you are 30 lbs. overweight and your conscious mind isn't quite buying it, the sub-conscious mind, which sees in pictures, will take it without questioning and your behaviors always align themselves with that sub-conscious belief. If you catch yourself reverting back to any negative thought habits ask yourself "If I could have anything I want in this situation, what would that look like?" Feel it, smell it, taste it, touch it. The more senses you engage, the easier it becomes to manifest that into a reality. And the more vigilant you are about immediately kicking out those negative thoughts and replacing them with positive affirmations, the easier it becomes to make that your new mode of operation. It will become easier and easier to send away the self-doubt as soon as it shows up, instead of letting it stay for awhile and allowing it to discourage you.
With patience and practice this becomes a habit, and that is how you re-weave your thought patterns into a beautiful, new tapestry!
Written by Carolyn Cooper, Energy Intuitive http://www.carolyncooper.com/ or http://www.taichiflow.com/ © Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. |
posted by Christy Tull @ 8:49 PM   |
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Energy Therapy is an extremely effective way to clear limiting beliefs and stuck trauma or stress in our physical, emotional, and mental fields. Every thing is energy, even our thoughts. When we have negative thoughts or beliefs it can block up our energy flow and cause disharmony and dis-ease. By using Energy Therapy Techniques, we can clear what is not wanted to free ourselves up to experience more joy and attract more health and happiness
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