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  • Carol Tuttle
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  • Cause and Effect
    Monday, September 29, 2008

    "Every cause has an effect and every effect has a cause. By law. Because of this universal law, all things are predictable to God, but he doesn't have to force the consequences of our actions. They are spontaneous and natural.

    The good news about this is to KNOW with certainty that if you do good to others, good WILL return to you, by law. It doesn't necessarily return to you from the same place you put it out. If you are kind to a disagreeable person, you will receive kindness... but don't expect it to come from THAT person. You will not lose your reward, but let God return it to you from wherever he wants.

    The more good you put out, the more will return to you. Spread happiness, and you will be happy.Don't make a big deal over what you do... the more you do in secret the better, in fact. If you make a display of your goodness, than your reward is the ooohs and aaaahs you get from the people who saw it. Wouldn't you rather have a better, more significant reward? Matthew 6:4 says, "That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly."

    This works with kindness, but it also works with money. Share the monetary blessings he has given you, and he will bring you more... under the one condition that you fear not. Push fear aside each time it tries to take root. Pluck it out!

    You have the power to choose your thoughts and feelings.Make a difference today in the life of someone else. Then smile, knowing that happiness is yours, and blessings are on their way."

    -Leslie Householder

    For more information on e-courses or to read the award winning book the" Jack Rabbit Factor" by Leslie Householder go to: http://www.thoughtsalive.com/

    posted by Christy Tull @ 11:44 PM   0 comments
    Five Short Chapters on Change
    Tuesday, September 16, 2008
    Chapter 1: You walk down a street and there's a deep hole in the sidewalk. You fall in. It takes forever to get out. You think, it's not my fault.

    Chapter 2: You walk down the same street. You fall in the hole again. It still takes a long time to get out. You still think, it's not my fault.

    Chapter 3: You walk down the same street. You fall in the hole again. It's becoming a habit. It is my fault. You get out immediately.

    Chapter 4: You walk down the same street and see the deep hole in the sidewalk. You decide to walk around it.

    Chapter 5: You choose to walk down a different street.

    (Adopted with changes from -Portia Nelson)

    We all have emotional energy that keeps us stuck in habitual behaviors of walking down the "same street."

    Clear it RIGHT NOW by calling for an EFT/Energy Clearing phone session with me ChristyTull at
    208-863-6633 or e-mail me at christytull@gmail.com.

    I will help you clear the emotions that are keeping you stuck and teach you how to walk down a different street!!

    posted by Christy Tull @ 6:43 PM   0 comments
    The Power of Example
    It is a liberating turning point in one’s life (whether it happens gradually or in a single moment of inspiration) when the realization comes that you can never change another person. The only thing you could really ever successfully do to help pave the way for another to have an internal change is with your own pure and unconditional love for that individual. It is easy to try to manipulate, force, or coerce others to change, but it simply doesn’t work long-term. You might be able to get others to do what you say out of obligation or fear, but you haven’t truly changed them—all you’ve really done is damaged your relationship with that person.
    Marilyn Ferguson once observed, “ No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or by emotional appeal.”

    However, when an individual feels that they are sincerely and unconditionally loved by another, whether it is by a parent, friend or significant other, they will be always be more drawn to example of that person than to their words alone. Therefore the best way to help someone choose to change is to A) love them B) be the kind of person you would want them to become. That’s all you can do, and to know this is to free yourself from the fool’s errand of trying to control others.

    Excerpt from The Producer Power Hour

    posted by Christy Tull @ 6:29 PM   0 comments
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    What is Energy Therapy?
    Energy Therapy is an extremely effective way to clear limiting beliefs and stuck trauma or stress in our physical, emotional, and mental fields. Every thing is energy, even our thoughts. When we have negative thoughts or beliefs it can block up our energy flow and cause disharmony and dis-ease. By using Energy Therapy Techniques, we can clear what is not wanted to free ourselves up to experience more joy and attract more health and happiness
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